
Customer Service
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What are your delivery methods & rated?

We are delighted to offer complimentary international shipping on all orders over $200. For orders below $200, shipping times and shipping fees vary based on the destination.

All orders are processed and shipped within 48 hours on the weekdays. Delivery within the United States and Switzerland takes 3-6 business days. International orders are delivered through DHL Express, delivery takes 5-12 business days, varies by destination. In the case customs taxes or duties apply, customers are responsible for the charges.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes. We offer international shipping for most countries and regions. Shipping service is not currently available for the following destinations: North Korea, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ukraine, Yemen and Cuba. To make sure if ship to your region, please contact our customer service team via

We only accept orders for delivery to the countries identified above, and identified during the order process. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse shipment to certain addresses at any time. Furthermore, the Company may add or remove any of the countries identified above at its sole discretion.

How do I track my order?

Once your order and payment are validated, we will send you an initial email confirming your order.

Once your order has been prepared and shipped: You will receive another email that contains a tracking number for your package. In the event of a problem, please contact our customer service team via